Introduction enVisual360 |
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enVisual 6 is the next step in enVisual innovation and eventual successor to enVisual 4. The application contains the same options available in enVisual 4 but additionally provides integration of other applications such as LiveFile and DropDocs for seamless and easy use.
This section of the help file aims to aid in user navigation of the system and contains the following topics;
How to get started
Introduction to Menu/Screen navigations (Modules)
Entity Administrations (Entity Wizard) This is the core of enVisual360. This is where various entity types are created and maintained within enVisaul360. Entity Administrations currently available are - Person, Company, Trust, Partnerships, Foundations, Financials, Third Party and Other which enables the ability to incorporate non-administered entities such as Company, Trust, Partnership and Foundations.
CRM enVisual Menus These are menu sections that are accessible via the enVisal top menu. These menu options are Clients which consists of Relationships, Communications, Tasks, Addresses, Compliance Reporting and Banking. LiveFile Documents consist of LiveFile Explorer and Dropdocs. Transaction Monitoring, Entity Administrations and Financial Accounting.
Air Portal
Settings Maintenance