Entities (Entity Wizard) |
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This is the core of enVisual360. This is where various entity types are created and maintained within enVisaul360. Entity Administrations currently available are - Person, Company, Trust, Partnerships, Foundations, Financials, Third Party and Other which enables the ability to incorporate non-administered entities such as Company, Trust, Partnership and Foundations.
Entities can be created and maintained within enVisual360 as required using the Entity Categories available in Settings Maintenance.
The following are the entity types that can be created in enVisual360:
Adding/Creating an Entity The add entity wizard can be accessed using one of the following: The flowpath button Flowpath button within the envisual home panel. Flowpath Navigation > CRM Dropdown > Add/Edit Entity
enVisual Menu > Client > Add Client
Using any of the above will load up and display the Add Entity wizard shown below.
The screen has been defaulted to display person entity form but can be changed as required using the entity type dropdown. Other form type screen displays below
On the Name page, the following can be set for the entity Entity Type: the dropdown contains all types of entities that can be created in enVisual360. This dropdown is also customable in Settings Maintenance > Categories/Entity Types > Entity Type Prospect: Tick box to be used to indicate if the entity is a prospect. Document Path: Tick box to indicate if a document path is to be created for the entity.
Fields that deemed mandatory are flagged with a red i and cannot be left blank. They are required to completed to enable the page / form to save. Fields that are deemed advisory are flagged with a blue i. Such fields are not required for the form to save. Entity can also be created/added within enVisual360 using the Select Templates option.
Edit/Amend an Entity Entity can be amended/edited via the following sections - enVisual Menu > Client > View/Edit Client - Flowpath > Add/Edit Entity
Security for Adding and Editing enVisual360 Entities is maintained at Settings > Security > System Security > Clients > Contact Manager
General entity section of enVisual360 Entities includes the following