Compliance Document Types

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This section allows the configuration of compliance document types that are required in enVisual360. These compliance document types are also linked to entity types. This section can be controlled by security which can be set at  Settings > Security > System Security > Compliance > Maintenance > Document Types. These compliance document types are used in Entity Wizard > Compliance > Compliance Documents. Additional information can be displayed on the grid using the Filter Right Click Menu > Column Chooser. More about grid filters can be found in Filters.




The following document types have been added by default and only there review information section can be edited: Passport, Driver’s licence, Tax Identification Number, Ad Hoc Document and Template Linked Document. However, new document types added are fully editable.


Click Add Doc. Type will display below



Doc. Type Code: input a document type code. This field accepts both letters and numbers but no special characters. This field is mandatory and cannot be left blank.

Description: input the doc type description. This field is also mandatory.

Form of ID: tick box to be used if the document type is a form of ID.

Review Information: select the review frequency for the document type.        

Entity Types Available For: tick box to be used to select what entity type the document type will be available for.

With all required section completed, click save will add the document template on grid.


Click Edit Doc. Type will display below



All sections are editable apart from 'Doc Type Code' field. Click save when complete editing, will update the doc type on grid. Click Delete Doc. Type will delete the doc type selected.  Add, Edit and Delete options are also available in the right click menu.