Document Management

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The Document Management section of the Search Menu contains buttons to manage the documents in many ways, all of which can also be accessed by right clicking on the document in the search results. The options available in this section are listed below.


hmtoggle_arrow1View Document

Pressing the View Document button will simply open the document to view in its default application, any changes made to the document here will be lost unless you have the document checked out.


hmtoggle_arrow1Show History

Pressing the Show History button will display the following screen.




The Show History screen contains three tabs, these tabs are explained below.


Action History

This tab shows information on every time a document checked in, checked out, viewed and changed. The information that is shown about each item is the action number, the user that performed the action, which action the user performed, and the date and time that the user performed the action.


Version History

The Version History tab shows information on all version of the selected document, this will include any changes made to the document. To view any version of the document you can select the version from the list and then press the Display Document button on the left side of the screen. The information that is displayed for each version is the version number, the user that created this version, if the version is new or updated, and the time and date that the version was created.


Movement History

The Movement History tab shows information about where the document has been moved to, for example if a document is moved to a different user, or if the document is sent out to an external user. The information displayed on this tab is slightly different to the previous two tabs, this tab will show the date and time the document was moved or sent, the date the document should be returned by, unless it is a permanent move, the user that moved the document, the user the document was moved from, the user that the document was moved to and a description of the move, usually an explanation.


hmtoggle_arrow1Check Out

To check out a document so that it can be edited you can select the document from the search results and then press the check out button, this will display the following screen.




On this screen you will be able to choose if you want to check out the document or if you want to check out the document and then edit it. The only difference is that the edit option will launch the document after it is checked out, so that you can edit it. Selecting either option will display the following screen.




On this screen you can select the location to check the document out to, and you can enter any comments about checking out the document for example what changes you are making to the document, once you have entered any comments you can click ok to complete checking out the document. If you selected the "Check Out and Edit Document" option the document will now be launched in its default application.


hmtoggle_arrow1Check In

To check in a document after it has been edited you can select the document in the search results and press the check in button, doing this will display the following screen.




On this screen you can choose the location to check the document in from, however the location where the document was checked out to will be displayed by default. Once you have selected the location to check the document in from you can enter some comments relating to the work that has been carried out on the document. When you have completed this form you can click the ok button the check the document back into LiveFile.



Selecting a document and clicking the Edit button will launch a screen to edit the document details, this screen is detailed more in LiveFile Publish.



Selecting a document and clicking the Finalise button will finalise the selected document. A finalised document cannot be edited in anyway and will remain in the system for the remainder of the retention period, if auto archive is enabled, the document will be archived after the retention period has expired.