Display Names

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Display Names

Display Names are used to change the name of specific user defined items in the system the most common example is user display names where the type of information recorded for each user can vary. In the below screenshot there is five user display names, the first one has been named Team and the second one has been named Sub Team, these names are then used on the user wizard to prompt the user as to which information needs to be selected in this box.





This is the name of the display name that the system uses, and is how the system knows which name to put where on the user wizard.


Display Name

This is the display name that can be changed, and is the name that the user see's in the system when using items with display names.


Standard Controls

The standard controls bar, which appear at the bottom of the screen can be used to change the selected maintenance item.





The add button is disabled for the Display Names section, this is because there has to be the correct number of display names in the system




The edit button can be used to edit the details of a Display Name if the address is available for editing. This is done using the screen below.





The delete button is disabled for the Display Names section, this is because there has to be the correct number of display names in the system



This will export whatever is in the working area into an excel spreadsheet so that this can be used externally from the system.



The refresh button simply refreshes what is being displayed in the grid



The X button simple closes the maintenance module.