Destination Folder Security File

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Normally when a file is loaded into AutoDocs using the watch folder mechanism, the file is moved to the destination folder location and also entered into the LiveFile Publish queue so that the security can be checked before the publish is approved.


We have now designed a security override file that allows these settings to be assigned automatically as the file is processed by the service.


This logic works by creating a specifically named xml file, configured to your requirements, and saving it into the required folder within the destination location.  When the service is activated by IO instructions it will start by checking the lowest folder location and working backwards to the highest for the xml file and if found at any level will use the settings within the file, else will just use the LF defaults set with the LF Publish queue.  The lowest xml file down the path is used.


Example: If the xml file is saved at the entity folder level then any items drop below this level in the document and form type folders would use the file. If an xml file is saved at the document level under Doc1 folder and an item is dropped into this folder it would use the one from the Doc1 folder. If an item is dropped into the document level in Doc2 folder then the security file from the entity will be used.


To be able to save the xml file into a destination location folder it will first need to exist.  Folders are only created in the destination folder when items are processed through the service, so the best solution is to transfer a file (valid or test) through the service to the required entity, document/form type folders and then the xml file can be deployed into position for subsequent uses.


The file allows for the following settings to be configured:

Responsible User, Responsible Assigner (Fig1 Below),
Security group, Security Permissions (Fig2 Below),
Auto Publish, Managed File (Fig1 Below)
The auto publish flag allows a file to be passes directly into the LF Search without be held within the LF Publish queue.


The image below shows the Responsibility and Characteristics settings from the file details with publish queue.




This second image shows the security option from within the details of a file in the publish queue.





Creating the xml file

The file MUST be named AutoDocConfig.xml and be written in a specific way.

An example of the code is shown below, with the editable sections being highlight for easier reference.


All sections must be completed correctly with valid data.  The permission sections accept the word true to be valid and anything else is classed as false.


The data for these settings can be retrieved by querying the tbl_user and tbl_groups within the enCentral database.  The count sections number must be the total rows added/written below




For convenience an example xml file is included within the folder directory of the supplied software.