Share Details |
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EnVisual Menu > Company Administration > Share Details This section displays share details information for a managed company. This is divided into two tabs: share categories and share issues.
Share Categories. This screen displays all the share category that has been added for the managed company. It shows if a share category is active or inactive, description, issues types, quantity and share values.
To Add a share category, click the Add Category button on the left to load up enVisual – add share category
Company: this has been defaulted to the managed company selected Share Category: select the required share category for the company. Share category types can be added in Configure > Maintenance > enSecretary > Share Categories Nominal Quantity: input the nominal quantity for the share that is been added for the company Issue by Calls: select what type of issue the share category will be. This can be standard issue only, calls only or call and standard issue. Value Per Share: input the value per share for the share category Currency: what currency is the share issued with. Once all completed, click the save button which will add the share category to grid. Note, a red alert will be displayed for mandatory fields that are not completed or missing. Also, share category cannot be edited once it has been added.
To Delete a share category, select the category and click Delete Category, this will delete and remove the category from the grid. However, once a share has been issued out, the category cannot be deleted. To Enable / Disable a share category, select the category and click enable/disable Category, this will then either enable / disable the category depending on the state it was before it was clicked. When a share category is disabled, the category will be marked with a red X on the grid and the share category cannot be used to issue out any more shares. Message will be displayed “this category is marked as inactive” when the share category is being used to issue share. It will have to be enabled again to make it active before shares can be issued out. Add, Delete and Enable/Disable share category menus are also available in the right click options.
Share Issues This screen show shares that has been issued out. It displays the category, shareholder, holdings, percentage paid and the call status.
To Issue shares, click the add issue button on the left to load up envisual – add issue.
Company: this has been defaulted to current company selected Shareholder: select the shareholder the share is been issued to using the dropdown. If the entity is not present in dropdown, the GES button can be used to search for the entity. However, to make the entity appear in the dropdown, the entity has to have the shareholder category assigned to it in the entity wizard > category tab. Address: this is auto populated with the entity selected. However, can be changed as required with entity more than one address. Nomiee For: to be used when share is issued as a nomiee for. When ticked, will add a dropdown field to the wizard and display all beneficial owners for the managed company. Category: select the required share category, which has been added at the category tab. Issue Date: select the share issue date. Quantity: input what is the share quantity that is been issued out Total Issued Value: displays the total value of the share that is been issued. This field auto populated based on the share category selected, however, can be edited as required. Premium: to be used to input any relevant or required premium. Certificate No: to be used to input share certificate numbers. Also, this field auto populate with certificate number if the company selected has the auto incremental on. This can be set in entity wizard > company details > general details > share register > Auto share certificate numbers tick box. When ticked, will auto increment share numbers. No Options Set: this tick box is used for custom share certificate configured, which can be set at Configure > Maintenance > enSecretary > Share Issue Option. Narrative: to be used to input any relevant information regarding the share issue.
Click save, will issue the share and produce a share certificate if this has been configured correctly. This can be set at Configure > Maintenance > enSecretary > Corporate Jurisdiction. Select the required jurisdiction and then click resolutions on the right panel of the screen and ensure the share certificate tick box is ticked.
Also, a copy of the share certificate that is produced is pushed into envisual LiveFile for the managed company and the shareholder as an associated entity.
Security access for Shares can be set at Settings > Security > System Security > Company / Trust Administration > Companies > Shares |