Beneficial Owners

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EnVisual Menu > Company Administration > Beneficial Owners

This section enables the viewing the of beneficial owners. Here, beneficial owners can be added, edited and deleted. it shows the beneficial owner, start and end date with percentage owned.



To Add a beneficial owner, click add beneficial owner, this will load up enVisual – add beneficial owner



Beneficial Owner: this dropdown will contain all entities that have the beneficial owner category assigned to them in entity wizard > category. Any entity with no beneficial owner assigned will not be displayed here. The GES button can be used to search for any entity not in the dropdown.

Percentage: input the beneficial owner percentage.

Start and End Date: to be used to input start and end date. However, note, end date will only be activated when the tick box has been ticked.

Notes: to be used to enter any relevant information for the beneficial owner added

Click the save button to add the beneficial owner onto the grid.


To Edit a beneficial owner, select the beneficial owner on the grid and click edit beneficial owner,


The beneficial owner field has been greyed out, while the percentage, start date, end date and notes can be edited as required. Once finished, click save to update the changes on grid.


To Delete a beneficial owner, select the beneficial owner on the grid and click delete beneficial owner.


Add, Edit and Delete options are also available in the right click menu.


Security access for Officers can be set at Settings > Security > System Security > Company / Trust Administration > Companies > Beneficial Owners