Receipts |
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This section allows the full control and maintenance of Sales Ledger Receipts. This section allows the ability to Create/Add, Edit, Delete, Post/Reverse, Refund and Allocate Receipts. This section is controlled by security which is maintained at Settings > Security > System Security > Financial > Receipts. The Receipt section is used to record payment from Customer to pay invoices raised for such Customer. A customer invoice is paid by allocating a Receipt to such invoice.
Adding a Receipt Simply select the relevant Master Entity, Period and Customer, then Add Receipt, complete relevant information and use the save option to save the record only or use the save and post option to save and then post the record to accounting ledger.
Note - When there is no Receipt record available for a Customer, the left section will not show invoices available for such Customer until a Receipt record is available
Allocating a Receipt to pay a customer invoice This is done by selecting a record on the grid and drag from one section to another. This action can be from the right side section to the left side section and vice versa. However, when been done from the right section will only be enabled for Posted Receipts with amount available to allocate. This should then load the allocation page
Allocate the relevant amount using the RCM > Allocate Line available in the Allocate Lines tab top section. There is also an option to unallocate lines if required. with a receipt amount allocated, this will be displayed in the lower section of the allocation page
Once completed with the allocation amount as required, use the save button to reflect such action, which will now write off such invoice amount from the Receipt, clears and pays the invoice off with relevant appropriate accounting journal created in Sales Ledger Enquiry and General Ledger Enquiry for the Customer and Master Entity records.
Receipt Allocation can also be done at the General Ledger (Enquiry and Transactions screens) and Billing Invoicing Screens
General Ledger This option is available via the enVisual Menu > Financial > General Ledger > G/L Enquiry and Transactions using the left panel Quick SL Receipts. This allows the ability to quickly raise a Receipt and allocate such Receipt to an Invoice. The option has the ability to either single receipt an invoice or multi receipt invoices and allocate.
Billing Invoicing This option is found on the Billing Invoice grid using the RCM > Create Receipt at enVisual Menu > Financial > Sales Ledger > Invoicing. This screen allows the ability to quickly raise a Receipt and allocate such Receipt to the selected Invoice. The section only allows the ability to single receipt and allocate an invoice using the save and post option.