Password Maintenance

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From within the License Information screen, the user can also configure basic password maintenance. This includes options such as default enforced minimum password length and whether or not users are required to change their password every x amount of days.


These options are all found at the bottom of the license information form.




The options here are explained below.

Require Password Change Every - This option, when a value greater than 0 is entered will force all users on the system to change their passwords after the allocated period of time. This event will repeat until the option is either set to 0 or the value is changed to another amount of time.
Enforced Minimum Password Length - This option affects not only the default password, but also the users custom passwords. It is simply a minimum amount of characters the password must contain. The box to the right of this option (shown above) is the system default password. If this is changed, then any new users created or users currently using the old default password will have to enter this new password instead.
Enforce Complex passwords on Password Change - When this option is checked, the system will force the user to change the system default password to a complexity accepted default (assuming it is not already set to one). This includes being over (default) 5 letters long, containing at least one capital letter and one number. With this option checked, any users who's current password does not meet the complexity requires will be forced to change their passwords.