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The security for this section can be configured in Settings > Security > System Security > Clients > Maintenance > Groups. Here, authorised users can assign/ unassign security groups to the following rights options: Add, Delete, Edit, View, and History. Users within these groups will have the authority to grant or revoke access rights to other security groups within enVisual.


Groups Maintenance 1




This section allows authorisued users to configure security groups, assign/ unassign users, and assign access rights to those groups. These settings can be set in Settings > Clients > Groups. This page displays the list of security groups, which of those can be edited and which have been used.




Group Maintenance 1




New security groups can be created by selecting the Add Group button or right-clicking on the grid. The Group - Add screen is made up of the following pages:



The description is the title of the new group, which is how it will be displayed throughout enVisual. The notes section is for any additional information about the group.


Group Maintenance 2




This is where the different enVisual users can be assigned and unassigned to the group. Users assigned to this group will be affected throughout enVisual based on the view and access rights configuration in the enVisual4 Menus page.



Group Maintenance 3



enVisual4 Menus

This section contains the different modules within enVisual and checkboxes to assign/ revoke access to those areas. Each module contains more checkboxes to assign user groups to specific areas of the module only. To give the group access to a whole module, tick the checkboxes beside the subheadings to grant full access to that area.



Group Maintenance 4