General Information

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1. General Information

This tab displays information such as entity code, relationship manager, salutations, name details, gender, capacity, place and country of birth, nationality and domicile address.


CR - General Details


Due Diligence: tick box to be used to indicate if due diligence is required for the entity. this has been ticked by default but can be edited as required. This is also controlled by security at Settings > Security > System Security > Security System > Due Diligence > Set Due Diligence Required Flag.

Risk: A risk score can be set for the entity if required. This range from Low to High.

Master Office: This is used for a FATCA/CRS export which will be discussed in a different section.


Risk Level

This feature allows the assignment of a risk level to an entity, which can be set under the Entity Type section within the Entity Wizard. The risk options available are Low, Medium and High.