Document Types |
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This section allows the configuration of document types that are added onto enVisual360. This section can be controlled by security which can be set at Settings > Security > System Security > Clients > Maintenance > Document Types.
To Add a document type, click Add doc Type button displays below
Doc Type: input the name of the document type. This field is mandatroy. Override Retention Period: tick box to be used to over ride retention period that has been set. During add, and the tick box is ticked, this will enable the Years and Months fields to be editable. This tick box is also controlled by security at Settings > Security > System Security > Documents > Actions > Override Retention Dates. Display in Portal: tick box to be used for document type to be displayed in portal or not.
To Edit a document type, select the type on the grid and click edit doc type which will load up the edit form. Edit as required and click save when finish, will update the changes on grid. To Delete a document type, simply select the form type on grid and click delete doc type, will remove the type from grid. |