Screen Components

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This section details what you can see on the screen.




Across the top of the screen a toolbar is displayed with the following user options.


New Query        

Clears all entries

Load Query

Loads previously saved query

Save Query

Saves currently defined options as a SQL script

Create Custom View

A custom view allows the user to save queries in enQuiry. Please see the section on "Create Custom Views" for a full explanation of custom views.

Mail Merge

Opens the Save As screen with the option to export the results to one of the following file types.

Export Results

Opens the Save As screen with the option to export the results to one of the following file types.




Print Query Results

Opens a printable screen shot of results.

Print Configuration

Opens a screen with options for changing how the results are printed.

Close Application

Shuts down the application/module.


Runs or refreshes a query.




On the left side of the screen are the Simple and Advanced Query designers


This view shows the fields that can be included in the query based on their location within enVisual. The example shown looks at the address details section.


The highlighted field links the contact entity to the address details.