Power of Attorney (POA) |
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The Power of Attorney feature allows you to assign a separate entity within the system as having the "Power of Attorney" over the selected entity. This feature is available at the client level as it is applicable to any entity. The feature can be accessed from two locations: 1) The main client grid, under its own reference tab 2) The main entity record from with edit entity or flowpath under the relationships section
Main Client Tab - Power of Attorney
The entity record via edit or flowpath
The feature works exactly the same from both locations. The grid supports adding, editing, and deleting of these records.
Adding/editing a record: Clicking the add option will produce the actual assignment of POA form (below) When editing a record not all previous selections are editable.
Parent Entity: This field is a drop down list to select the parent entity for the link. This should default to the currently selected entity. Child Entity: This fields is a drop down list to select the child entity. This is for the entity allowing the POA status Type: This drop down list allows you to appoint a POA type from those configured within your system Start Date: A calendar selection box for selecting the POA start date End Date: A calendar selection box for selecting the POA end date Display in Tree: This tick box allows to select wether this relationship is shown in the main relationships grid after creation Notes: This section allows you to add any required notes to the appointment