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enCustody_Doc_icon This shortcut opens the view showing all the documents that are being tracked.


enCustody_AddClicking the Add Button here will open the new Document folder. see Add Documents below.




The list can be filtered by client and identifies the items that are stored as electronic copies.


enCustody_Docbyclient_icon This shortcut opens the view sorted by the client showing the number of documents tracked.


enCustody_Add Clicking the Add Button here will open the new Document folder with the selected Client already populated in the Client field.




enCustody_Docbycustodian_iconThis shortcut opens the view filtered by the custodian. showing the number of documents held by each custodian.


enCustody_Add Clicking the Add Button here will open the new Document folder with the selected Custodian already populated in the Custodian field.

