Adding Report Parameters |
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Adding a Parameter
Click on the add button within the standard controls and select parameter from the drop down menu. You will then presented with the following add parameter form.
As you can see there are two standard tabs, General and Database, we will discuss the General tab first.
This is the name of the parameter. This name needs to match the name of the parameter in your report files so that enSelect can correctly assign this parameter to the specific report(s).
This is the label that will appear next to the parameter when it is used by a report. This label can help to identify what needs to be selected by the parameter.
This is where a brief explanation of the parameter can be entered, explaining what the parameter is for.
The Database Tab
The Database tab looks like this.
Depends on other parameters
Some parameters are dependant on other parameters, for example when you select a billing entity then the financial years for that billing entity will be displayed, so that you can select one of those financial years. Tick this box if the parameter is dependant on another.
This is the query that is used to populate the list for this parameter, an example of this is ‘Exec esp_get_accountingentity‘. When parameters are dependant on other parameters this query needs to include these dependant parameters, like this ‘Exec esp_get_accountingentity Null, :UserCode’.
This is which database the information for this parameter should be retrieved from.
Code Field
When the query is run by the program there are a few pieces of information that is returned for each result. The code field is which of these pieces of information will be passed into the report.
Display Field
This is the field from the query that is displayed in the list for the user to select.
This controls which result is selected by default. This is usually left blank.
This is where you can select how the information for this parameter is displayed, usually this is set to list, to list all the results of the query. Alternatively date can be selected which will present the user with a calendar in which they can select the desired date.
The Parameters Tab
The parameters tab is only visible when the 'Depends on other parameter' option is ticked on the Database Tab. When this parameter is dependant on other parameters, you need to specify which parameters it is based on, this is the function of the parameters tab.
Add To add a dependant parameter click the add button which will display the following screen
To add a dependant parameter simple select the parameter from the drop down list then click ok, this will then add that parameter to the parameters required box on the parameters tab. If you need to add multiple dependant you need to add the parameters in the same order as they are required in the query that is used on the Database Tab, for example with the following query 'Exec esp_get_Customer :AccEntity, :UserCode’ you will need to add AccEntity first then add UserCode.
Edit When you select a dependant parameter in the list and click edit you will be presented with the same screen as when you click add, you can simple change which parameter is used there instead of the currently selected parameter.
Delete When you select a parameter and click the delete this will simple remove this parameter from the dependant parameters list. |